Online Job Postings

Job postings are an indicator of demand and opportunities in an area. The information provided in this report is based upon online job posting data collected and aggregated by Lightcastâ„¢. The report shows trends in job postings for the state and workforce development areas, as well as top occupations and industries that advertise vacancies through online job postings. This data can assist individuals seeking job opportunities in current in-demand occupations. Data in this dynamic report is updated monthly and shows online job posting data for the current and the last month.

Source: Lightcastâ„¢ collects information from over 35,000 web sources, including job boards, newspapers, and employer websites. While this analysis presents a broad picture of hiring activity and serves as a measure of labor demand, it does not capture openings that are filled from other networks.         

Disclaimer: Approximately 20% of postings do not include an industry classification. Data may not be representative of a full sample. These postings are rounded to nearest 10 and occupations/industries with less than five online job postings for the month are not shown.


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