Economic Research
Economic Research
Missouri and Regional Economic Reports
Information on Missouri’s economy, industry, workforce demographics, and employment projections for the state and each region.
Economic Diversity
A diversified economy is one with many industries that can better manage fluctuations in the business cycle. By contrast, a less diversified economy specializes in only a few industries. A balanced economy is more capable of absorbing an economic shock through the other industries present. The other industries, that are performing stronger economically, help to compensate for the loss, which helps maintain economic stability for that state.
Gross Domestic Product Data Series
The broadest measure of economic activity is the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Gross Domestic Product by State (GSP) measures the value-added from industries in a state.
Demographic Research
Demographic Research
Daytime Population Estimates
The U.S. Census Bureau publishes population demographics based on data collected through the Decennial Census and annual American Community Survey. Decennial Census demographic profiles provide data on age and sex distributions, race, Hispanic or Latino origin, household relationship and type.
Select Population Reports
The U.S. Census Bureau publishes population demographics based on data collected through the Decennial Census and annual American Community Survey. Decennial Census demographic profiles provide data on age and sex distributions, race, Hispanic or Latino origin, household relationship and type.
Commuting Profiles
Workforce Commuting Profiles provide demographic and industry highlights for area workers as well as commuting patterns showing how people travel in, out, and around a region for employment.
Special Studies
Special Studies
Women in the Workplace
There were over 1.39 million women in Missouri’s workforce in 2022, making up 50.5% of total Missouri employment. This report examines the role of women in Missouri’s workplaces based on occupations that are highly-represented by women compared to occupations that are more represented by men.
Missouri Hispanic Population in 2015
Missouri’s population of Hispanic or Latino Origin grew by 17.3 percent from 198,670 in 2010 to 233,046 in 2015.
Latino Entrepreneurs in Missouri
This report focuses exclusively on strategies to promote Latino entrepreneurship in Missouri. This research topic was chosen due to a convergence of three perspectives (economic, demographic and social welfare) which all indicate that entrepreneurship among Latinos is a positive force both for the Latino community and the Missouri economy.
Many Languages of Missouri
The Missouri Economic Research and Information Center tracks language diversity for the state to help inform the public, businesses, agencies, organizations, and other stakeholders of the unique language diversity across Missouri. The language data series also helps determine English Language Proficiency for purposes of translation requirements. This data is pulled and analyzed from the U.S. Census, American Community Survey five-year estimates and represents 2022 estimates (2018-2022).
Missouri Language Diversity Dashboard
Missouri Language Diversity Brief - PDF
Last Updated: 1/4/2023
Economic Research Library
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Archived research material in PDF.
2020 Population
2030 Population Projections
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